Friday, August 29, 2008

Power Trading - The Future

With deregulation and privatisation in the transmission sector, power trading , though in small quantity has begun. The next decade will see its growth and resultant chaos. Why? 'coz we have experienced as in US and Europe, that connecting many weak grids together with large varying loads causes blackouts.
Why at all we go for power trading- well, thats something we cant do without. We need power, and it gets generated at many places. We connect all of them through regional grids. Now some of these grids are strong, but most are weak.
Lack of reserve capacity in any of the grid will collapse the whole system.
Solution:- Go for UHV ( 1000 KV) or DC ( 800 KV) use FACTS ( Flexible AC transmission. )
Thousand KV line can transmit 10 GW power. Its really huge.
Load Flow, Power Oscillations and Voltage quality, these are the main concerns। If we want to integrate large Wind Farm with the grid, HVDC is best and sometimes the only solution .
Present challenges:-
1. To double the Inter-Regional Transmission capacity i.e. from 17000 MW to about 35000 MW.
2. To Integrate the regions:- Southern region is still not integrated.

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