Saturday, May 9, 2009

Power Shortfall- Will it ever get better?

Targetted capacity addition in last five years:- 41,000 MW
Actual capacity added:- 20,000 MW.

Targetted capacity addition in 2008-09:- 11,000 MW
Actaul capacity added :- 3,500 MW.

No resposibility fixed, nobody taken up.
We have power cuts even in Mumbai and 60 % of rural India has no electricity.

We boast of 1,50,000 MW installed power capacity but at any poin of time we cant generate more than 85,000 MW.
No wonder Inverter is an essential white good in Delhi homes.
Our ambition is to add 75,000 MW by 2012. We wont achieve it. Thats actually not our priority. Industries suffer, housholds swelter and people live in dark. India languishes but no one is there to put his foot down.